This verse spoke to me recently as I was thinking about what is ahead for the clinic. We spend much time considering what we do as a ministry but now, with growing demands for our services, we find that answering the question of where we do our ministry is a key consideration for our future. What do we need in order to answer the question? Prayer!
So I am calling for 30 days of prayer for Parkville Women's Clinic! On Feb. 17, we are set to close on land for a future home. We want God's will, not our own, so we are asking for our faith community to join in an appeal to heaven. Use the link below to sign up for a time to pray. If your youth group, small group, church family would like to join together, we believe there is even more power when we unite our voices.
Some requests for prayer include:
- Wisdom for the decisions surrounding the project
- Clarity for the leadership regarding God’s plan
- Opportunities to share all that God is doing at PWC with others
- For the Holy Spirit to guide every decision
- That the project would be fully funded
As you have insights from your prayer time, would you email me? Thank you for joining us a this critical time.